FD|A was tasked, with a limited budget, to perform an extensive interior and exterior renovation of the residence. The existing house was fragmented and disorganized in both plan and material expression, after undergoing two previous additions. The house is located along a busy thoroughfare and lacked privacy. The design intent was to modernize the interiors and unify the additions into a single cohesive project. This was accomplished through the use of a wrapping façade, which in turn creates interior courtyard. The courtyard provides privacy and serves to connect the adjacent living, dining and bedroom spaces.
To create a more functional entry, FD|A altered the way the garage interacts with the main house by adding a functional mudroom that enters directly into the main living space. By relocating the basement staircase next to the dining room, FD|A was able to enlarge the kitchen and achieve a direct entryway.
The kitchen is centered on axis with the new courtyard to reinforce the connection between the spaces. The dining room is created within the space between the kitchen and the courtyard, allowing it to benefit from the connection to both, while remaining separate spatially.
Through subtle modifications, the master suite has been entirely reworked to include a laundry room, built-in wardrobe, larger master bathroom and meaningful connection to the courtyard.
Overall, FD|A updated the house to a modern palette inside and out within an extremely limited budget. All detailing and material decisions were studied and intentional to elevate the refined spatial quality.
Photography Copyright Bob Greenspan Photography